Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I love the outdoors!

Just got back from another trip "outside". I've decided that I like this outside thing. It's big! There's a lot more to see out there (when I'm not asleep) compared to "inside". I'm 12 today, 12 days old and I've see so much of the world (I think). Let's see I've been to In N Out Burgers, Target, REI, Rubio's, Performance Bicycle, and my personal favorite; Babies R Us.

Here's a photo from one of mom and dad's favorite stores: REI. We went here today to check out baby carriers and "trail" strollers. REI rocks!

The stroller shade thingy kept me from direct sunlight, but it was great to feel the breeze, hear birds and other outdoors sounds and even smell an In N Out Burger. I can't wait until I get some teeth ...

1 comment:

Lori said...

Too cute! Wow Sean -- your Dad has already taught you to get some great camera shots. Have fun on your adventures! "Auntie" Lori in Minnesota :)