Wednesday, June 18, 2008

We visit the Apple store!

Originally uploaded by Sean in SD
A few days ago ... I'm not exactly sure how many days ... I haven't quite gotten this counting thing down yet ... Mom and Dad took me to an Apple store. I expected to find a room full of fresh fruit, not that I can chew any of it yet, but instead it was filled with computers, software and assorted gadgets. My Dad was in heaven! They had some business to do, and set me down near a rack of software. Oh man that stuff looks COOL! I can't wait until I can control my hands enough to operate a mouse ...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Went to the Wild Animal Park

Originally uploaded by Sean in SD
Hey guys. Things are looking up ... actually I'm always looking up, come to think of it ...

Mom and dad took me to the Wild Animal Park today. It was a neat place filled with lots of animals. Again I pretended to be asleep and just played it cool. When mom and dad weren't looking I'd crack open my eyes and take a peep at the animals. A little bit later, I started to get hungry and dad fed me near "The Heart of Africa" walking path.

It was a good day. I'm really glad that mom and dad had the time to take me out to my first zoo / animal park!

See another photo here:
